Have You Ever Heard of Invisalign®?

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Have you ever heard of Invisalign®? With the Invisalign orthodontic aligner system, you can straighten your teeth with clear aligners. Not only do they work to straighten your teeth, but they also improve your oral hygiene and lessen your risk for oral injuries, all the while giving you the aesthetics of your natural smile even during recovery.

Invisalign is a superb aligner system complete with the following benefits:

– Invisalign orthodontic aligners can help correct crooked teeth and lower your risk for TMJ disorders, malocclusions, tooth damage caused by bruxism, and many other alignment issues.

– Invisalign can be removed at your own convenience for eating, and unlike most other treatments, there are no dietary restrictions with Invisalign.

– Invisalign aligners are not made of metal, but rather an advanced thermoplastic material that has been patented and created for the perfect combination of functionality, comfort, and aesthetics.

– Because Invisalign is nearly impossible to notice, your lifestyle does not have to be altered due to fears of being in social settings or amongst your friends and family.

– Invisalign aligners are crafted for each individual patient and can be replaced as necessary for a treatment that can continue to work for you.

If you would like to speak with Dr. Christopher Liang and our team about Invisalign, please schedule an appointment at our orthodontic office of Liang Orthodontics in Potomac, Maryland, by calling 301-983-3132. We will do our best to help you achieve the smile you have always wanted!