If you know anyone who has sleep apnea, you’ve probably heard all about the CPAP machine they have to wear at night. If you don’t think that sounds comfortable, you’re right. But that’s just the tip of the iceberg - sleep apnea causes many more problems. What’s good to know is that there’s a high chance our orthodontists can fix... read more »
If a wire comes loose in your braces, it can be somewhat distracting. Depending on where it is situated, it can poke your cheeks, gums or tongue, which can feel annoying. Our orthodontistss are qualified to repair the wire, but you can try a few things that may help you feel more comfortable while you wait. One thing you can... read more »
After the braces you received at Liang Orthodontics have realigned the position of your teeth to improve the function and appeal of your smile through gradual and progressive tension, you will enter the second phase of orthodontics: wearing a retainer. Orthodontic retainers are needed to prevent the dental alignment from relapsing. We offer some insight into caring for a retainer... read more »
Braces are an orthodontic appliance used to correct “bad bites.” A bad bite occurs when the teeth don’t line up properly when the jaws are closed. The teeth may crowded or crooked, or it could be that the upper and lower jaws don’t line up well. These problems are sometimes inherited, or they can come from oral injury, losing teeth... read more »
Misaligned teeth during adolescence can do more than simply leave your son or daughter with an awkward-looking smile. As your child grows older, the pronounced deviations in their tooth alignment can lead to damaged tooth enamel, and even dental fractures. If your son or daughter has misaligned permanent teeth, problems with overcrowding or a pronounced malocclusion you should consider scheduling... read more »
Invisalign® is visibly appealing. It has clear appliances that are nearly undetectable by anyone besides the wearer. But did you know that Invisalign does more than just straighten your teeth? Many people suffer from overcrowded and over-spaced teeth. And though it’s thought to and does occur in children, it more often appears in grown adults. 38 percent of adults suffer... read more »
During your child’s braces treatment, routine adjustments were essential for correcting the alignment of your child’s teeth. Each of these alignment sessions applied modest tension to your child’s teeth and periodontal connective tissues to gradually alter the orientation and position of their teeth. After your child’s treatment is complete and their braces have been removed, a retainer is often necessary... read more »
If you’re having a hard time coming up with a New Year’s resolution, you should think of your smile. You could make a resolution for your braces! If you do this, there is a good chance you could have a more effective orthodontic treatment and you could even get your braces off quicker. Who knows! Let’s give it a shot.... read more »
In order to ensure you receive the necessary oral health care treatments, always assess your risk for sleep apnea. Numerous risk factors exist that can increase the likelihood that you will develop sleep apnea. You should also be aware of which treatments can be used to effectively care for your smile should sleep apnea be ailing you. Two common forms... read more »
If you want a successful orthodontic journey, then you need to properly care for your braces each day. This is because if you don’t care for your braces, then they won’t care for you. This means that having an ineffective appliance can delay your treatment time and even lead you away from the smile you desire. So, to help you... read more »